For Academics

I offer consultation services for academics as personal or group trainings in various technical skills to help pushing their carrer forward, increasing their confidence and ability to approach increasingly more complex problems with best practices, or helping them better guide and accompany their students in their research and analyses.

  • Catch up, get a refresher, or a crash course in R. R is amazing and will help you gain a deeper understanding of your data and how you can approach it, which in turn will lead to an explosion of your horizon of possibilities and re-energize your research ideas. As someone from a non-geeky background (more or less 🤭), I have developed a non-orthodox psychology-centric approach for teaching these skills. I go straight to the point to fulfil your goals, without boring generic programming lessons or mathematical demonstrations. you will be mindblown by how much you gained in efficiency and productivity right from the start.
  • Neurophysiological signal processing in Python. Learn how to process bodily signals using the most cutting-edge techniques using Python, a simple, free and powerful language. This will allow you to cut your dependence on expensive software like Biopac’s Acknowledge or Matlab, invest that license money elsewhere and become more resilient and future-proof!

Get free training AND multiply your chances of getting a grant!

Including a training for you and/or your team in a grant application is a great way to demonstrate to public funders direct positive outcomes in terms of career development. Get in touch with me and I can help you budgeting for a training in line with your research project.

For Universities

Your postgrad students (master, PhDs) could benefit from short specialist workshops to complement their set of skills and help them successfully go through through their degree. Typically demanded (by students) training that I can provide involve EEG and physiological signal processing in Python, open-source / open-science, programming, statistics in R (e.g., Bayesian, mixed models, …), experiment design and implementation with PsychoPy or JsPsych (for online experiments).


  • 2022 - University of Zurich: Workshop for PhD students on "Programming and Data Science with Python".

For Companies

I offer consultation services to companies for the following:

  • Advice on testing and validating their product related to physiology and emotions (e.g., smart wearables).
  • General input on data analysis approaches to complex problems.