3  Bounded Variables

While might be tempted to believe that most of the data that we collect in psychological science are true continuous variables, this is often not the case. In fact, many variables are bounded: there values are delimited by hard bounds. This is typically the case for slider (aka “analog” scakes), dimensions scores (average or sum) from multiple Likert scales, percentages, proportions, etc.

Most psychometric indices are bounded. For instance, the minimum and maximum values for the IQ test (WAIS-IV) are 45-155. It is 0 and 63 for the depression scale BDI-II, 20 and 80 for the STAI.

Despite this fact, we still most often use linear models to analyze these data, which is not ideal as it assumes that the dependent variable is continuous and normally distributed.

3.1 The Problem with Linear Models

Let’s take the data from Makowski et al. (2023) that contains data from participants that underwent the Mini-IPIP6 personality test and the PID-5 BF questionnaire for “maladaptive” personality. We will focus on the “Disinhibition” trait from the PID-5 BF questionnaire. Note that altough it is usually computed as the average of items a 4-point Likert scales [0-3], this study used analog slider scales to obtain more finer-grained scores.

#| code-fold: false

using Downloads, CSV, DataFrames, Random
using Turing, Distributions, StatsFuns
using GLMakie
using SubjectiveScalesModels

Random.seed!(123)  # For reproducibility

df = CSV.read(Downloads.download("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DominiqueMakowski/CognitiveModels/main/data/makowski2023.csv"), DataFrame)

# Show 10 first rows
first(df, 10)

# Plot the distribution of "Disinhibition"
hist(df.Disinhibition, normalization=:pdf, color=:darkred, bins=40)

We will then fit a simple Gaussian model (an “intercept-only” linear model) that estimates the mean and the standard deviation of our variable of interest.

#| code-fold: false
#| output: false

@model function model_Gaussian(y)

    # Priors
    σ ~ truncated(Normal(0, 1); lower=0)  # Strictly positive half normal distribution
    μ ~ Normal(0, 3)

    # Iterate through every observation
    for i in 1:length(y)
        # Likelihood family
        y[i] ~ Normal(μ, σ)

# Fit the model with the data
fit_Gaussian = model_Gaussian(df.Disinhibition)
# Sample results using MCMC
chain_Gaussian = sample(fit_Gaussian, NUTS(), 400)

Let see if the model managed to recover the mean and standard deviation of the data:

println("Mean of the data: $(round(mean(df.Disinhibition); digits=3)) vs. mean from the model: $(round(mean(chain_Gaussian[:μ]); digits=3))")
println("SD of the data: $(round(std(df.Disinhibition); digits=3)) vs. SD from the model: $(round(mean(chain_Gaussian[:σ]); digits=3))")

Impressive! The model managed to almost perfectly recover the mean and standard deviation of the data. This means we must have a good model, right? Not so fast!

Linear models are by definition designed at recovering the mean of the outcome variables (and its SD, assuming it is invariant across groups). That does not mean that they can capture the full complexity of the data.

Let us then jump straight into generating predictions from the model and plotting the results against the actual data to see how well the model fits the data (a procedure called the posterior predictive check).

#| output: false

pred = predict(model_Gaussian([(missing) for i in 1:length(df.Disinhibition)]), chain_Gaussian)
pred = Array(pred)
fig = hist(df.Disinhibition, normalization=:pdf, color=:darkred, bins=40)
for i in 1:length(chain_Gaussian)
    density!(pred[i, :], color=(:black, 0.0), strokecolor=(:black, 0.1), strokewidth=1)
Code Tip

The plotting functions from the Makie package can take a tuple of a colour and an alpha value (e.g., color=(:red, 0.3)) to set the transparency of the plotted elements.

As we can see, the model assumes that the data is normally distributed, in a way that allows for negative values and values above 3, which are not possible as our variable is - by design - bounded between 0 and 3 (at it is the result of the mean of variables between 0 and 3). The linear model might thus not be the best choice for this type of data.

3.2 Rescaling

Continuous variables can be trivially rescaled, which is often done to improve the interpretability of the results. For instance, a z-score is a rescaled variable with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 that allows for an interpretation in terms of deviation from the mean. Importantly, rescaling variables does not change the variable’s distribution or the absolute relationship between variables. In other words, it does not alter the fundamental conclusions from an analysis, but can help with the interpretation of the results (or computational performance).

Two common rescaling methods are standardization (mean=0, SD=1) and normalization (to a 0-1 range). The benefits of standardization are the interpretation in terms of the magnitude of deviation relative to its own sample (which can be compared across variables). The benefits of normalization are the interpretation in terms of “proportion” (percentage): a value of \(0.5\) (i.e., \(50\%\)) means that the value is in the middle of the range. The latter is particularly useful for bounded variables, as it redefines their bounds to 0 and 1 and allows for a more intuitive interpretation (e.g., “Condition B led to an increase of 20% of the rating on that scale”).

Let’s rescale the “Disinhibition” variable to a 0-1 range:

#| code-fold: false
#| output: false

function data_rescale(x; old_range=[minimum(x), maximum(x)], new_range=[0, 1])
    return (x .- old_range[1]) ./ (old_range[2] - old_range[1]) .* (new_range[2] - new_range[1]) .+ new_range[1]

# Rescale the variable
df.Disinhibition2 = data_rescale(df.Disinhibition; old_range=[0, 3], new_range=[0, 1])
# Visualize
fig = hist(df.Disinhibition2, normalization=:pdf, color=:darkred, bins=beta_bins(30))
xlims!(-0.1, 1.1)
Code Tip

We can use the beta_bins() function from the SubjectiveScaleModels.jl package to create bin edges that work nicely with the Beta distribution.

3.3 Modified Beta Distribution

One good potential alternative to linear models for bounded variables is to use a Beta distribution instead of a Gaussian distribution, as the Beta distribution is naturally bounded between 0 and 1 (not including them). Moreover, Beta distributions are powerful and can model a wide variety of shapes, including normal-like distributions, but also uniformly spread data and data clustered at one or both ends.

The Beta distribution is typically defined by two parameters, alpha \(\alpha\) and beta \(\beta\), which are the shape parameters. Unfortunately, these parameters are not very intuitive, and so we often use a “reparametrization” of the Beta distribution to define it by its mean mu \(\mu\) and “precision” phi \(\phi\) (referring to the narrowness of the distribution). This is particularly convenient in the context of regressions, as these parameters are more interpretable and can be directly linked to the predictors.

We will use a reparametrization of the Beta distribution based on the mean mu \(\mu\) and precision phi \(\phi\), that converts them to the shape parameters alpha \(\alpha\) and beta \(\beta\). You can find details about this reparametrization in the documentation of the BetaPhi2() function of the SubjectiveScalesModels.jl package.

3.4 Beta Models

Note that we have a suited distribution for our bounded variable, we can now fit a Beta model to the rescaled variable. However, there is one important issue to address: the Beta distribution is not defined at exactly 0 and 1, and we currently rescaled our variable to be between 0 and 1, possibly including them.

One common trick is to actually rescale our variable to be within \([0, 1]\) by nudging the zeros and ones to be just above and below, respectively. For this, one can use the function eps(), which returns the smallest possible number. For instance, one can rescale the variable to be in the range [eps(), 1 - eps()], equivalent to \([0.000...1, 0.999...]\).

#| code-fold: false
#| output: false

df.Disinhibition3 = data_rescale(df.Disinhibition; old_range=[0, 3], new_range=[eps(), 1 - eps()])

For the priors, we will use a Beta distribution \(Beta(1.25, 1.25)\) for mu \(\mu\) that is naturally bounded at \(]0, 1[\), peaks at 0.5, and assign less plausibility to extreme values. A Gamma distribution \(Gamma(1.5, 15)\) for phi \(\phi\) is a good choice for the precision, as it is naturally bounded at \(]0, +\infty[\).

fig = Figure()
ax1 = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="Value of μ", ylabel="Plausibility", title="Prior for μ ~ Beta(1.25, 1.25)", yticksvisible=false, yticklabelsvisible=false,)
band!(ax1, range(0, 1, length=1000), 0, pdf.(Beta(1.25, 1.25), range(0, 1, length=1000)), color=:red)
ylims!(0, 1.25)
ax1 = Axis(fig[1, 2], xlabel="Value of ϕ", title="Prior for ϕ ~ Gamma(1.5, 15)", yticksvisible=false, yticklabelsvisible=false,)
band!(ax1, range(0, 120, length=1000), 0, pdf.(Gamma(1.5, 15), range(0, 120, length=1000)), color=:blue)

We can now fit a Beta model to the rescaled variable.

#| code-fold: false
#| output: false

@model function model_Beta(y)
    μ ~ Beta(1.25, 1.25)
    ϕ ~ Gamma(1.5, 15)

    for i in 1:length(y)
        y[i] ~ BetaPhi2(μ, ϕ)

fit_Beta = model_Beta(df.Disinhibition3)
posteriors_Beta = sample(fit_Beta, NUTS(), 500)

Note that it is actually convenient to express the parameters with constraints such as a specific range or sign (e.g., positive) on transformed scales (e.g., the log scale) rather than the original scale. We will demonstrate this better way of parametrizing a model below.

Let us see make a posterior predictive check to see how well the model fits the data.

pred = predict(model_Beta([(missing) for i in 1:nrow(df)]), posteriors_Beta)
pred = Array(pred)

fig = hist(df.Disinhibition3, normalization=:pdf, color=:darkred, bins=beta_bins(30))
for i in 1:length(posteriors_Beta)
    hist!(pred[i, :], normalization=:pdf, bins=beta_bins(30), color=(:black, 0.01))
Code Tip

The distribution of bounded data is typically difficult to visualize. Density plots will tend to be very distorted at the edges (due to the Gaussian kernel used), and histograms will be dependent on the binning. One option is to specify the bin edges in a consistent way (for instance, using beta_bins(30)).

As we can see, the model produced a distribution that appears to be collapsed to the left, not reflecting the actual data. The model fit appears quite terrible. Why?

3.5 Excluding Extreme Observations

One of the main issues is that, as you can se from the histogram, there is a high number of observations clumped at zero. This is a very common and often overlooked issue in psychological science, where participants tend to use the extreme values of the scale (0 and 1) more often than the intermediate values. This creates a bimodal distribution which makes standard unimodal distributions fail to capture the data (note this issue is also present with linear models, which estimates will get biased by this configuration away from the actual “mean” of the variable).

One simple, although not ideal, solution could be to exclude extreme values (zeros or ones). Beyond the statistical sanitization benefits, one could argue that these “floor” and “ceiling” effects might correspond to a different cognitive process (this will be important in the latter part of this chapter).


For instance, in the case of a bounded scale type of trials, participants might actually use a dual strategy in order to lower the cognitive load. For each item, they would judge 1) whether their answer is “completely” yes or no (i.e., 0 or 1) and 2) if not, they would then engage in a more nuanced and costly evaluation of the degree (i.e., use continuous values in between).

Let’s create a new variable without the extreme values.

#| code-fold: false
#| output: false

# Filter out extreme values
var_noextreme = df.Disinhibition2[(df.Disinhibition2.>0).&(df.Disinhibition2.<1)]

3.5.3 Reparametrized Beta Regression

Let us now refit the Beta model using these link functions.

#| code-fold: false
#| output: false

@model function model_Beta(y)
    μ ~ Normal(0, 3)  # On the logit scale
    ϕ ~ Normal(0, 2)  # On the log scale

    for i in 1:length(y)
        y[i] ~ BetaPhi2(logistic(μ), exp(ϕ))

# Refit
fit_Beta = model_Beta(var_noextreme)
posteriors_Beta = sample(fit_Beta, NUTS(), 500)

The only caveat is that we need to transform the parameters back to the original scale when interpreting the results.

params = DataFrame(mean(posteriors_Beta))
params.mean_raw = [logistic(params.mean[1]), exp(params.mean[2])]

Let us now make a posterior predictive check to see how well the model fits the data.

pred = predict(model_Beta([(missing) for i in 1:length(var_noextreme)]), posteriors_Beta)
pred = Array(pred)

fig = hist(var_noextreme, normalization=:pdf, color=:darkred, bins=beta_bins(30))
for i in 1:length(posteriors_Beta)
    hist!(pred[i, :], normalization=:pdf, bins=beta_bins(30), color=(:black, 0.01))

Although removing the extreme values did improve the fit, it is not a perfect solution, as it neglects the importance of these values and the potential cognitive processes behind them.

3.6 Ordered Beta Models

The problem of clustered values at zero and one is a common and known issue, and several solutions have been proposed to address it. One of the most popular involves a specific model called Zero and One Inflated Beta Regression (ZOIB), that separately models the probability of a value being zero or one, and then models the distribution of the values in between. An alternative has been recently introduced by Kubinec (2023), named Ordered Beta Regression, that is more parsimonious and easier to interpret.

The Ordered Beta distribution is a Beta distribution (that describes values in between zero and one) that additionally defines lower and upper “cut points” parameters, k0 and k1, respectively. These cut points represents the thresholds beyond which the probability of the variable being zero or one increases. In psychological terms, they might be seen as (virtual) points usually near the extremes of the scale, by which participants might consider their response to be equivalent to zero or one (i.e., at the edges of the scale).

We will use the priors recommended in the SubjectiveScalesModels.jl package (ADD REF).

#| code-fold: false
#| output: false

@model function model_OrderedBeta(y)
    # Priors
    μ ~ Normal(0, 1)
    ϕ ~ Normal(0, 1)
    k0 ~ -Gamma(3, 3)
    k1 ~ Gamma(3, 3)

    # Model
    for i in 1:length(y)
        y[i] ~ OrderedBeta(logistic(μ), exp(ϕ), logistic(k0), logistic(k1))

# Refit
fit_OrderedBeta = model_OrderedBeta(df.Disinhibition2)
posteriors_OrderedBeta = sample(fit_OrderedBeta, NUTS(), 500)
pred = predict(model_OrderedBeta([(missing) for i in 1:length(df.Disinhibition2)]), posteriors_OrderedBeta)
pred = Array(pred)

fig = hist(df.Disinhibition2, normalization=:pdf, color=:darkred, bins=beta_bins(30))
for i in 1:length(posteriors_OrderedBeta)
    hist!(pred[i, :], normalization=:pdf, bins=beta_bins(30), color=(:black, 0.01))

As we can see, the model very nicely captures the distribution of the data, including the high density of the (only) extreme response (i.e., zeros). In conclusion, Ordered Beta models are very powerful and flexible to describe data with natural bounds, common in psychological science.

3.7 Adding Predictors

In the following example, we are going to test the effect of Conscientiousness on Disinhibition (i.e., the relationship between these two personality traits). However, unlike standard linear models that would only estimate the effect of Conscientiousness on the mean of Disinhibition, we will use an Ordered Beta model to estimate the effect of Conscientiousness on all the parameters*, namely the mean, precision, and cut points.

#| code-fold: false


Conscientiousness is a continuous variable ranging from ~1.37 to 7, and we will use it as a predictor in the model.

We need to specify priors for all the parameters once again, but this time once for the intercept (the value when the predictors are at 0), and one for the effect of Conscientiousness. We will use the same priors as before for the intercept, and a \(Normal(0, 1)\) for the effect of Conscientiousness. We use a symmetric priors for the effects as we don’t have any prior knowledge about the direction of the effect of Conscientiousness on Disinhibition.

We then reconstruct the parameters using the linear equation formula (\(y = intercept + \beta x\)), and transform them back to their original scale before running the inference.

#| code-fold: false
#| output: false

@model function model_OrderedBeta(y, x)
    # Priors for the intercept
    μ_intercept ~ Normal(0, 1)
    ϕ_intercept ~ Normal(0, 1)
    k0_intercept ~ -Gamma(3, 3)
    k1_intercept ~ Gamma(3, 3)

    # Priors for the effect of x
    μ_x ~ Normal(0, 1)
    ϕ_x ~ Normal(0, 1)
    k0_x ~ Normal(0, 1)
    k1_x ~ Normal(0, 1)

    # Model
    for i in 1:length(y)
        μ = μ_intercept + μ_x * x[i]
        ϕ = ϕ_intercept + ϕ_x * x[i]
        k0 = k0_intercept + k0_x * x[i]
        k1 = k1_intercept + k1_x * x[i]

        y[i] ~ OrderedBeta(logistic(μ), exp(ϕ), logistic(k0), logistic(k1))

# Refit
fit_OrderedBeta = model_OrderedBeta(df.Disinhibition2, df.Conscientiousness)
posteriors_OrderedBeta = sample(fit_OrderedBeta, NUTS(), 500)

Let’s inspect the 95% CI to see if the effect of Conscientiousness is significant (i.e., if the CI does not include 0).

#| code-fold: false

# 95% CI

Interestingly, we can see that Consciousness has a significant negative relationship with the mean of Disinhibition (mu \(\mu\) parameter), but also a positive effect on k0. This suggests that participants with higher Conscientiousness scores are on average less Disinhibited, and are more likely to be “extremely” not Disinhibited (i.e., to respond 0).

# Simulate models where conscientiousness is 7 and 1.37
m1 = model_OrderedBeta([(missing) for i in 1:length(df.Disinhibition2)], fill(7, length(df.Disinhibition2)))
m2 = model_OrderedBeta([(missing) for i in 1:length(df.Disinhibition2)], fill(1.37, length(df.Disinhibition2)))

# Generate predictions
pred1 = Array(predict(m1, posteriors_OrderedBeta))
pred2 = Array(predict(m2, posteriors_OrderedBeta))

# Plot
fig = Figure()
ax1 = Axis(fig[1, 1], title="High Conscientiousness", xlabel="Disinhibition", 
    ylabelvisible=false, yticklabelsvisible=false, yticksvisible=false)
ax1 = hist!(df.Disinhibition2, normalization=:pdf, color=:grey, bins=beta_bins(30))
for i in 1:size(pred1)[1]
    hist!(ax1, pred1[i, :], normalization=:pdf, bins=beta_bins(30), color=(:blue, 0.01))
ax2 = Axis(fig[1, 2], title="Low Conscientiousness", xlabel="Disinhibition", 
    ylabelvisible=false, yticklabelsvisible=false, yticksvisible=false)
ax2 = hist!(df.Disinhibition2, normalization=:pdf, color=:grey, bins=beta_bins(30))
for i in 1:size(pred2)[1]
    hist!(ax2, pred2[i, :], normalization=:pdf, bins=beta_bins(30), color=(:red, 0.01))

As we can see, Ordered Beta models are flexible and more appropriate to the type of data often observed in psychology. Moreover, by modelling all the parameters of the distribution, we managed to assess more subtle effects of the predictor on various aspects of the distribution of the dependent variable, possibly corresponding to various cognitive processes.